Scare-fess alert!!!
I haven’t brought you guys any spooky stuff in a while, and seeing as I’m now in the process of planning my next Halloween party...
Remember, Remember!!
Hi gang, I bet you're surprised to see me so soon, right?!! Well I promise you I really am trying to post more than once a month. I have...
Pie's the limit!!
I love pie; it's even better when it's a sweet pie. And coconut; I know the consistency's not for everyone, but the smell alone is enough...
Crafty craft-ness and connections!!!
Finally!!! One craft fair and I' hooked. Well, it wasn't a proper craft fair; but lunch at the local community centre. My lovely shabby...
All a-twitter!!
Yep; I finally did it; I got myself a Twitter account! I've been meaning to do it for ages, but was just scared. Now I'm thinking it's...
Frozen Birthday party
I took some time out from all my crafting to throw a Frozen themed birthday party for my friend's little girl; and it was all diy-ed....
Scrabbled brain!!!
Once again, let me apologise for the three-month long hiatus. What with going back to college for a course, and doctors and hospital...
Flowers, flowers, flowers!
I know I promised this post yesterday, but I have been trying to fight off this head cold that's been going around; I've been no use to...
Craft fair a-hoy!
Inspired by a lovely comment from my friend S, who thinks I'm wasted here after seeing these on my fridge the other day, I've decided to...
Don't come a-knocking Mr Past!
Some people come into your life for a reason; this is what I have learned in my life. But others only want to mess with your head when...