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3 Little Things

Hi everyone! I'm sorry for being out of touch; I've been trying to adust to "The new norm" and find my feet again in this crazy world.

The days and nights seem to feel longer now the seasons are changing and my brain wants to go into deep, emotional thoughts. I never even noticed the daffodils blooming in my garden until I ventured out yesterday to the shops and saw big changes!! I miss seeing those changes when on my usual walks.

Anyways, how have you been? Are you crying out from boredom or thriving at home?

My introverted self doesn't mind being at home all day, but sometimes the rebel in me wants to be in proximity to people!!!

Then I see silly people standing too close in line, coughing and sneezing and passing it on and think; eh, maybe I will stay home and watch another YouTube video!!! And who needs food and toilet paper anyway??!!!!!!

Are you finding it hard to sometimes get motivated? Yeah me too!! My Jammies are my usual fashion choice and my kettle is crying out for a break!!!

I don't know if it will help you but this tip has truely helped me the past few weeks keeping focused.

My good friend has been in and out and in again with her mental heath, and if it wasn't for her I may be in worse shape.

So thank you Wifey!! Love you long time bub xxx

I pick three things I wanna get done that day; weather it's the washing or reading several chapters of that book you've been meaning to read, or even popping out the house for some excercise for half an hour.

We all know by now that you can get plenty of templates for a to-do list and weekly journels online from just googling, or just seperating a spare notebook you may have to write them in; I've started using one of the notebooks I got from Disneyland a few years ago. I know I'm a big kid but it gives me that little bit of joy every morning and something to look forward to!!

And if you don't get three things done that day, and maybe only one or even two? Add it to the next days list; it's OK not to finish things all the time.

That's one thing I've learned is that it's OK not to be OK all the time; there's nothing wrong with having a bad day; just as much as a good one; life is about balance; am I right??!!!

People mock or gossip about what they have no knowledge, or try to make other feel small because they themselves have issues that by making others feel bad makes them feel better. That's not someone you need so igore and walk away.

Since my medication got increased, I found it hard the first week to get up at a decent hour; we all get those days where we just want to stay in bed and be a little lazy.

But I found that sticking to some sort of routine does help; use your list page or notebook to write the kind of routine you want to achive through the day. Structure and organisation has been a big help to me. The thoughts and things in my head have definatly evened out a little in this anxious time.

And speaking of; do you guys keep a diary or a journel?

I did when I was younger, but as I grew up I would always forget to add entries each day so I just binned that idea!!

But I've finally found the appreciation for writing down how I'm feeling day-to-day; even if someone happened to read it and see lots of dull and uninteresting things in there; they are inmportant to me.

I've had bad days and good ones; but re-reading the better things that were happening gave me some hope that there will be more of the good ones down the road.

As par the course I've waffled on for long enough!! All I wish any of you readings this is to know that it does get better.

We're here for each other; no matter what the world, and life sends us and we can accomplish anything we set out minds to.

Love and huggles always you wonderful people.


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