A sweet apology!
Do you ever get those months where you just can't get your head around thing? It's been like that for me since before Christmas. This is...
On the eve of the 1st!
I got my Christmas tree a few months ago; just after I moved in, in fact. Actually, it was my mum's idea to get it while it was cheap! As...
Muffin tin eggs
I love eggs. They're so versitile and good for you (mostly!) If you remember I posted my Scrambled eggs, now I wanna share how I like my...
Ha! Smiley!
Some nights, all you wanna do is curl up and eat something comforting, and sometimes, it's a happy meal kinda day! We had the first snow...
Happy Autumn days
Did I ever tell you that this is my favourite time of year; and not just because Halloween and Christmas are my favourite holidays, but...
Halloween food
Here's pics of most of the food I made: Graveyard stones These started life as a botched cake! Be honest; we've all done it; burnt it, or...
Hallowen decs 2: The well-stocked table
Next we go to the living room; So to the table; I took this before everything was on it, but here's a list of what we made: Pasta with...
Halloween decs: 1; 1st impressions
This Halloween, I had an idea in my head, and tried to run with it, but as the day aproached, the more I procrastinated! If it wasn't for...
The witch is in!
So today's Halloween; hope whatever you're planning on, you're all safe. This time last year I was tearing my hair out as I was hosting a...
Soup and Shinanigans
Sitting here eating a bowlful of homemade soup (recipe will following; I promise!) I realised that I haven't touched base with you guys...