It's all 'bout the rock 'n' roll!
You like? Me too!! Totally in love with the whole rockabilly style. Wish I had the confidence to carry off the red lippie though!
Hot chocolate at a pinch!
So, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few days; what with my birthday and all! But I have come back with a little clever idea I came up...
As easy an 1-2-3! Nutella Brownies
Even though it's my birthday, I've gotta have cake! I made these Nutella Brownies a few weeks ago as a trial, and they went like the...
Happy birthday to me!!!
Another year older! I guess as you do, you start to celebrate less and less; and not that I'm 32, it alll seems like just another day! I...
Sausage Casserole
Let's face it; you're busy, but you want to make something for the hubbie/kids, and you want them to enjoy it. Well, this one's for you!...
Creepy goings-on!
Here's something that won't help you sleep tonight! I'm really into the paramoral, and love pics of ghosts and anything that's creepy....
The Butterfly Stalker!!!
OK, so this might be me reading too much into this, but this butterfly keeps hanging around in my room. It could be a totally different...
Cheese Crackers
Ready for another treat? Whenever I have a craving for cheese, I whip up a batch of these. And believe me; a few are never enough!!!...
Fit 'n' Fab
Now, if you've not noticed already, I'm not a size 0, and that's OK with me. I like the way I am. But my constant battle with the buldge...
Something Scottish!
I don't often find something that I think is cool and have to take a picture of it right there and then, but I was in town (or rather our...