Stay home, stay safe, stay positive
First I want to apologise for not staying in touch the last couple of months. We all know there's a pandemic going on and we're all trying to stay home and not catch the virus.
I just wanted to check in and make sure you're all staying home, staying safe, and staying positive; as hard as that might be right now.
But in all honesty, even before all this began, I was finding it hard to keep my head up and continue on.
Admitting that you're not doing so well is so final, and you may even feel embarrased for not being "strong"; but in my experience it can open up doors you didn't think were achievable. And no matter what anyone says, or how anyone makes you feel; you can do this. Prove all them damn idiots wrong!!!
For me it's now got to the stage where I can't see posts from family because it not only saddens me, but it also angers me a little; why do they look like they've got it together and I'm the one over here having a hard time coping??!!! And why aren't they worried about me catching this virus; I am after all prone to catching it?!!! Aren't family supposed to worry about you in times like this??!!
So I took the advice of one of the few people that have been by my side in all of this; delete them out of your life until you are ready; let it be on your terms, not thiers.
And you know what? She was right!! Now whenever I go online I don't feel so upset seeing thier posts and feeds and I can feel myself starting to breath a little again.
It may be a little harsh, but sometimes as tough as it may be, you need to cut out the things that don't help or give you a little joy in this life.
Never beat yourself up for not being able to change people; because we can't; no matter how many times you reach out the olive branch.
So my advice right now is to just keep on going no matter what is thrown your way; and it's OK to have a bad day where all you want to do is watch Netflix and stay in your jammies!!!
Go for a walk if you can, open a window if not; they say fresh air is good for the soul!!!
Chat over the phone or facetime to someone; even if it's something totally random and odd; we all still need that human contact.
Find the joy in anything and take your time to appreciate it; weather it's spending more time with your family at home, learning something new or picking up a hobbie you started and meant to carry on with.
Live for you, and make each day count because we only have one life to live, and live it to the fullest we should.
I will update when I can, and post as much as humanly possible. Even though this page doesn't reach that many people; it has helped me a lot over the past several years. And if I can help at least one person; I must be doing something OK.
Just know that we're not alone in this and if we stick it out together; we can do anything!!!
I love each any every one of you that is reading this for just being you!! Stay safe my friends and we will talk again soon xxxxxxxxxx