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Lemonade Lovers!!

What a beautiful day it's been today! While My mum and sister weeded the garden, I got on the refreshments.

Homemade lemonade!

I'd never made it before, and I've been itching to get on the band wagon! So pleased I did; it came out great!!!

Most recipes out there call for a simple syprup base; but I'm a little dubious about cooking sugar, even if it's diluted with water!

This recipe at About Parenting:

called for superfine sugar, whch, after a little digging is just icing sugar; duh!!

All you do is squeeze about 10 lemons to get about 2 cups of juice (10 did it for me as I used smaller lemons!). Now mix your icing sugar (about 21/2 cups) and water (3 cups) in a pitcher. Shake it a bit until all the sugar has dissolved; it sounds crazy that it won't dissolve in cold water, but it did! Don't ask me the science involved; becasue I failed that at school, but I suppose it has something to do with the fact that the sugar is already powdered!

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Pour in your lemon juice and shake it about a bit more. I stirred mine with a wooden spoon as well; just to be sure!

Now get about 5 cups of water, with some ice added, and give it a shake or a stir. You can't really see it in the picture, but I froze some water the day before (see; I can plan ahead!) in a bunt tin I somehow aquired recently (charity shop find!). The pattern is really cool; swirly and looks professional!

You can add some slices of lemon if you like, but by this time everyone was done weeding and as you can imagine were thirsty! It got drank rather quickly; next time I'll make double, and hopefully get over my simple syrup phobia!

Night all x

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