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DIY'd out!!!

Happy Saturdays everyone! x

Finally managed to get some of the pics of my Halloween party loaded to show you guys.

Can't not have an invite; people gotta know when and where! I just love Pinterest, and thanks to Mariah at Giggles Galore I made some really cute and classy one this year. Gonna go so well with my purple and black theme!

2014-10-21 15.28.10.jpg

You can download them here:

Halloween Prinable Poem 1.jpg

This one's floating around a bit! I saved it and printed it out. I was gonna frame it, but I'm still unsure where to put in, but I'll fit it in somewhere. More on that one to some!


I've had this one since last year!! This one's definatly going in the front garden with my broom!!

Next up; PomPoms in the making!

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2014-10-18 19.21.36.jpg

I fully made one up, before realising I was gonna have to store them for a week! So I used up all the tissue I bourght and stapled them, and will finish them on the day so they don't all get squashed!

2014-10-18 19.33.37.jpg

Here's a sample of some things I've rescued from the recycling! Other than the jars of course!!

The black holders started out thier lives as a cheddars can, a Pringles can and a jelly tots tube painted black!

I got some of these great polysyrene balls from Poundland a while back and not sure how I'm gonna use them, if I will at all!

JARS!! There's loads of Halloween jar crafts all over the net. I was thnking about putting some LED candle lights in them and line the front and back garden; keeping it simple as well as thifty!

That's all she wrote folks! I will bring you more as and when I can get some more uploaded. Still got loads of things to get sorted; and we're now less than a week to go! But, as they say, it'll all be alright on the night!!

And on that note, it's a night, night from me! Sweet dreams friends. xxxx

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